
제목[비교과] 그래핀 광전자공학 & 플라즈모닉스 특강_Dr. Tony Low2022-07-28 02:01
작성자 Level 10

서울시립대학교 양자정보처리연구소에서 다음과 같이 비교과 프로그램을 개시하오니 많은 참여 바랍니다.

주제: Graphene optoelectronics and plasmonics

강의: Dr. Tony Low (University of Minnesota)
신청기간: ~ 2022년 8월 5일 (신청: https://forms.gle/MPwWsLdo6x46qaqV6)

일정: 8월 5일 ~ 8월 19일 / 10:30 ~ 12:00 (기간 내 총 6회)
장소: 서울시립대학교 과학기술관 314호 (오프라인)

          온라인강의실 (교재 & 자료 공유) (https://uclass.uos.ac.kr/course/view.php?id=12223)
주관: 양자정보처리연구소 


※ 모든 강의는 영어로 진행됩니다.


Dr. Tony Low (University of MinnesotaPaul Palmberg Professor in the Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, and a member of the graduate faculty in the Physics Department)

Topic Graphene optoelectronics and plasmonics


Recent advances in 2D van der Waals materials opened the door to a new plethora of exciting optical phenomena and applications. In particular, 2D materials are interesting as their optical response resides across the sought after mid-infrared spectrum, which finds applications in gas and biomolecule sensing and free space communications, near-infrared spectrum for telecommunications, and the visible spectrum. This series of seminars is divided into two parts. The first part is geared towards introducing basic concepts of the optoelectronic and plasmonic properties of 2D, such as carrier statistics, 2D electrostatics, optical conductivity, light scattering and absorption, and plasmon modes in 2D, using graphene as a prime example. In the second part, I will provide my perspective on where 2D optoelectronics and plasmonics might be most promising and unique in terms of applications. I will discuss how graphene metasurface can be constructed to focus mid-infrared light, to reflect them defying Snell’s law, and illusion optics. I will explain why graphene plasmonics is uniquely suited as a tunable platform for biomolecular and gas fingerprinting, and discuss recent theory and experiments on this front. Finally, I hope to impress upon you that the wide range of electronic properties in 2D materials opens the door to the engineering of a plethora of novel mid-infrared plasmonic effects which has to-date been inaccessible in conventional plasmonic materials like bulk noble metals. This includes slow plasmons in bilayer graphene, chiral plasmons in twisted bilayer graphene, hyperbolic plasmons in anisotropic materials, Berry plasmons in massive Dirac like materials, plasmons immune to Landau damping in finite electronic width materials, and current driven amplified plasmons in WTe2.




Fri. 05. 08. 2022.

 Graphene optoelectronics

 The discovery of graphene. Electronic structure of graphene. Carrier statistics in graphene. Optical absorption of graphene. Universal absorption in the visible. Pauli blocking in mid-infrared. Drude absorption in the terahertz. Graphene photodetection mechanisms, photovoltaic, photothermoelectric, and bolometric. Graphene photodetectors performance. Graphene modulators in silicon photonics.

Mon. 08. 08. 2022. 

 Graphene electronics properties

 White board discussions. Graphene electronic structure, Dirac Hamiltonian and wavefunctions. Carrier statistics. Electrostatics and quantum capacitance.

Wed. 10. 08. 2022.

 Graphene conductivity and light scattering  

 White board discussions. Maxwell equations. Light scattering off graphene. Drude conductivity. Optical conductivity.

Fri. 12. 08. 2022.

 Graphene plasmonics 

 Observing graphene plasmons in experiments. Plasmon dispersion and damping. Applications in the far-field, such as modulators, reflectarrays. State-of-the-art gas and biomolecules sensing. Plasmonic gas sensing mechanisms. Image plasmons. Slow plasmons in bilayer graphene. Chiral plasmons with twisted bilayer graphene.

Wed. 17. 08. 2022.

 Graphene dielectric response and plasmons

 White board discussions. Deriving graphene plasmon modes.

Fri. 19. 08. 2022.

 Advanced topic: Gain in graphene plasmonics 

 Why gain in state-of-art plasmonics? Population inversion in graphene and bilayer. Parametric amplification. Current driven focusing with acoustic plasmons. Current driven plasmon amplification.

Youtube (Basic device physics)

Playlist 1. Basic phenomena

Science phenomena; light wave particle duality. Electron particle wave duality. Electromagnetism - Faraday. Electromagnetic fields - Maxwell. Quantum wave function and collapse.


Playlist 2. Linear algebra

Linear vectors. Inner products. Outer products. Unitary, adjoint, Hermitian etc. Gram Schmidt procedure. Matrix diagonalization. Commutator relations.


Playlist 3. Quantum mechanics

Quantum mechanics postulates. Representing wavefunctions. Position and momentum operators. Canonical commutation relations. Density matrix. Schrodinger equation. Heisenberg equation of motion. Interaction picture and linear response.


Playlist 4. Statistical distribution law

Identical and indistinguishable particles. Permutation and combination. Multiplicity for classical distinguishable particles. Maxwell Boltzmann distribution. Multiplicity for fermions and boson. Fermi Dirac statistical distribution. Bose Einstein distribution.