Twistronics 2023 International Workshop
on twisted bilayer graphene and beyond

University of Seoul, Seoul, Korea, January 11th ~ 13th, 2023


   Seoul Center for Quantum Computation will be hosting a three-day workshop including one morning hands-on tutorial on twisted bilayer graphene and other moire quantum materials. This edition makes an emphasis on theoretical research on moire materials that rely on real-space simulations of large scale systems.

   The workshop will invite speakers that have made theory contributions in the field of moire materials including ab initio or tight-binding electronic structure modeling, phonons, quantum transport, etc. or have developed real-space calculation methods to study the properties of moire materials.

   Regular participants will be able to contribute with posters. The tutorial sessions during the first day is aimed at introducing the students and new researchers in the field about basic notions on atomic and electronic structure of twisted bilayer graphene.

▶ Speakers

  • Philip Kim (Harvard Univ., USA)
  • Eun-Ah Kim (Cornell Univ., USA)
  • Paco Guinea (IMDEA, Spain)
  • Guy Trambly de Laissardiere (LPTM Cergy Paris Univ., France)
  • Jose Lado (Aalto Univ., Finland)
  • Oded Hod (Tel Aviv Univ., Israel)
  • George J. Jung (Univ of. Seoul, Korea)
  • Hyoung Joon Choi (Yonsei Univ., Korea)
  • Lucian Covaci (Univ. of Antwerp, Belgium)
  • Valerio Vitale (Univ. of Trieste, Italy)
  • Mitchell Luskin (Univ. of Minnesota, USA)
  • Zhen Zhan (Wuhan Univ., China)
  • Nicolas Leconte (Univ of. Seoul, Korea)
▶ Keywords

  • Density functional theory
  • Tight-binding method
  • Spectral functions
  • Quantum transport
  • Phonons and superconductivity
  • Real-space large scale simulations
  • Twisted bilayer graphene
  • Moire materials
  • Friction and tribology
  • Atomic structure
  • Electronic structure
  • GW approximation
▶ Organizers

 • George J. Jung (UOS, Korea)
 • Nicolas Leconte (UOS, Korea)
 • Francisco Guinea (IMDEA, Spain)
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