Quantum Materials Workshop 2024
양자물성 워크숍 2024

June 19th ~ 21st, 2024



Day 1 (2024. 06. 19. Wed)
15:00 ~ 16:00 도착 및 등록 (Arrival & Registration)
16:00 ~ 17:30 Session A
A1 Magneto-optical conductivity of nodal-line semimetal SrAs3
Taehyeok Kim @ (Seoul National University)
A2 Possibility of electrically induced higher Chern number phase in Kitaev spin liquid
SeongJoon Kwon @ (University of Seoul)
A3 Effect of trivial bands on chiral anomaly-induced longitudinal magnetoconductivity in Weyl semimetals
Jeonghyeon Suh @ (Seoul National University)
A4 Phonon mediated spin conductivity and its possible enhancement near ferroelectric critical point in van der Waals materials
Suk Bum Chung @ (University of Seoul)
17:30 ~ 18:30 저녁식사 (Dinner)
18:30 ~ 21:00 워크숍 교수진 회의 (Faculty meeting)
Day 2 (2024. 06. 20. Thu)
~ 10:00 아침식사 (Breakfast)
10:00 ~ 11:30 Session B
B1 Interaction corrected tight-binding models for rhombohedral few-layer graphene
Dongkyu Lee @ (University of Seoul)
B2 Topological flat bands in rhombohedral tetralayer and multilayer graphene on hexagonal boron nitride moire superlattices
Youngju Park @ (University of Seoul)
B3 Band gap and flat band engineering in h-BN encapsulated rhombohedral graphene up to 5 layers using real-space lattice calculations
Dipto Md. Shaifullah @ (University of Seoul)
11:30 ~ 14:00 점심식사 및 휴식 (lunch & Break)
14:00 ~ 15:30 Session C
C1 Electrostatic moire potential induced by twisted bilayer boron nitride
Fengping Li @ (University of Seoul)
C2 Dependence of sliding geometry on the electronic structures of alternating-twist tetralayer graphene
Kyungjin Shin @ (Seoul National University)
C3 Atomistic simulations of size-dependent twist angle energy barriers in hBN and graphene flakes
Prathap Kumar Jharapla @ (University of Seoul)
C4 Gapped out-of-phase plasmon mode in alternating-twist multilayer graphene
Taehoon Kim @ (Seoul National University)
15:30 ~ 16:00 휴식 (coffee break)
16:00 ~ 17:30 Session D
D1 Intrinsic mobility modulation of transition metal dichalcogenides via thickness-dependent deformation of the electron wave function
Jinshu Li @ (Sungkyunkwan University)
D2 Enhanced thermoelectric performance of BiSb with titanium doping and band engineering
Koyendrila Debnath @ (University of Seoul)
D3 Anisotropic charge transport at the edge contact of TMDs field effect transistors
Xinbiao Wang @ (Sungkyunkwan University)
D4 Electronic transport properties in bilayer sliding ferroelectric materials
Qi Zhang @ (Sungkyunkwan University)
17:30 ~ 18:30 저녁식사 (Dinner)
Day 3 (2024. 06. 21. Fri)
~09:30 아침식사 (Breakfast)
09:30 ~ 11:00 화담숲 산책 (Hwadamsup Excursion)
11:00 ~ 12:00 퇴실 (Checkout)
12:00 ~ 13:00 점심식사 (Lunch)


곤지암리조트 : 경기도 광주시 도척면 도척윗로 278 (도척면)(12809). E-village Conference M2 | Tel. 02-1661-8787

KONJIAM RESORT: E-village Conference M2. 278, Docheogwit-ro, Docheok-myeon, Gwangju-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea(12809) | Tel. 02-1661-8787

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